

Safe 2 Save is a Texas based tech company whose mission is to reward undistracted driving with reward perks to local restaurants and businesses. The team, while super talented couldn’t keep up with all the demands of the ever changing online landscape and found its resources stretched too thin. I helped them create competition packets, social posts, and above all, a new website.

Sample Work


Marketing Collateral

The scope the project included: Creating over 50 digital assets to tell the Safe 2 Save story, designing a user friendly site that is search engine optimized, accessible, has a high performance speed, is responsive, and that would faithfully depict and communicate the Safe 2 Save brand.

The final product was a site that made what would’ve taken weeks to create new pages now takes a few minutes on a new easy to use platform. The website had such an easy to use system that it allowed their marketing team to make pitches to potential clients directly from their website. Safe 2 Safe increased the average time site visitors spent looking at each page by over one minute. That’s a significant increase!