
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is the top botanical garden in the United States. Not only do they have incredible gardens to visit but they also are actively engaging the community to educate and better the environment. They recently rebranded but most of their content hadn’t been updated, so I partnered with them to create videos, posters, documents all to unify their brand.

Samples of Work


The Fairchild team needed a way to communicate just how big their impact on Miami is so I worked with one of their board members to create a visual aid to communicate just that. The image to the left is a shortened GIF version of the full video.

Print Materials

I’ve spent a lot of time going through various documents and aligning them with their new brand identity. Sometimes these documents had old sub-project logos that their source file had been lost to ages. Most of the original documents had been created in MS Word by biologist. Needless to say, there was a significant change after each updated document. Many of the documents serve as marketing collateral so it is imperative that they are updated and look sharp!